Energy Performance Certificates

Friday 17 September 2010

A Kettle for your thoughts

Well, summer is over, the morning and evenings are cooling down, schools are in and students will be going back to University in the next couple of weeks, so no more excuses, time to get back into blogland.

So here's a quick thing to get the ball rolling as it were.

We had occasion to buy a new kettle the other day, nothing particular here, the old one had served us well and just gave up the ghost. Now I'm not going to tell you that I have found an eco friendly green alternative for the humble domestic kettle, but rather to comment on a leaflet that was in the box - this was hints and tips on how you should use the kettle in a 'green' way. The main thing here was obviously only boil as much water as you need - don't fill the kettle to the top every time you use it. what brought this home to me though was the additional information - if everyone in the UK only boiled the water they needed the saving would provide the power to light all UK streetlights for seven months - WOW. It also said that if you only boil the water you need, then you could save up to 66% energy - which would pay for the kettle within a year!

It's also nice to see the manufacturers taking a responsible attitude on such things and 'spreading the word'

My work as an energy assessor looks at the bigger aspects of home energy efficiency, but these little sometimes make just as much impact.

So the next time you boil that kettle.......

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